"From picking weeds on the first day, spending 2 years hand stitching, sweeping the floors, and scrubbing saddles. This is what started the journey of over 40 years in the trade of saddle making"
- J.L. Blair
A native of Wyoming, born in Lander, with over 40 years of Saddle Making experience. A second generation saddle maker has studied under his father, Neal L. Blair and Tony J. Holmes.
Has Shown in Reno, Dallas, Jackson Wyo. , Wyoming Pioneer Museum, Wyoming State Museum, The American Heritage Center, and a special invitation to show in Osaka, Japan. Featured in Saddle Making of Wyoming and Saddle Bits and Spurs. Chosen as best Artist Historical Craftsmanship, 2013 and 2016 at the Western Design Conference in Jackson Wyoming. Best Artist in Leather, 2017. Exhibitor Choice Award 2018. Now a proud member of the By Western Hands Gallery Cody, WY. Represented Wyoming at the Made in America 2020 Showcase event at the White House.
Has built saddles for Slim Pickens, Prairie Edge, Miss Rodeo Wyoming, collectors, and horse people throughout the United States. Along with countless pieces of custom leather goods built to high standards.
Now he lives in the Shell Valley, outside of Greybull, Wyoming.